Sponsor the People’s Voice

Sponsorship PicIntroduction

The People’s Voice is a monthly newspaper supplement produced by the Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS), in partnership with the Media Diversity Institute (MDI), London, and published in the Juba Post and Southern Eye newspapers in South Sudan. The supplement’s purpose is to represent the views and concerns of the ordinary people of South Sudan, especially rural, minority and disadvantaged communities.  At this key point in the history of South Sudan, creating a bridge between the ordinary people and their leaders, as the People’s Voice does, is an essential part of the process of democratic development and state-building. The project is part funded by the European Commission and the partners are currently seeking to ensure the continued success of The People’s Voice via the concept of sponsored editions.

Sponsored Editions Concept

UJOSS is offering to sponsors a package of three editions of the People’s Voice. In agreement with UJOSS, sponsors can choose which development topics the editions will focus on (e.g. health, education, children, infrastructure etc) and the union will use its nationwide network to file reports on the given subject. UJOSS will retain control of an independent editorial process.

Target groups

6,000 – 8,000 readers of each monthly edition including the South Sudanese elite.

Final beneficiaries

The ordinary people of South Sudan, especially rural, minority and disadvantaged communities.

Estimated results

  • A public and transparent link between elected representatives and ordinary people.
  • An independent media outlet in South Sudan that represents the views of ordinary people.
  • Strengthening the managerial and organisational capacities of UJOSS.
  • Development of the skills and professionalism of the team of journalists that work on the People’s Voice.



Basic package of 3 editions (18,000 – 24,000 readers over 3 months): €38,000

(Other sponsorship packages are also available)

Further Information

For full information/concept note on sponsoring The People’s Voice please click here

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