August-September Edition of the People’s Voice

PVSSAugustfrontpageIn this Special Edition of The People’s Voice we take stock of press freedom in South Sudan and reveal that the media in the world’s youngest nation is under attack.

Over the last couple of years, which have been dominated by elections, the referendum on independence, and the recent establishment of South Sudan as the world’s newest state, there have been numerous and continuing infringements of press freedom, including intimidation, arrest and imprisonment of journalists, as well as the closure of media organizations.

At this key point in the history of South Sudan, press freedom is an essential part of the process of democratic development and state-building, and therefore, The People’s Voice team have joined forces with UNESCO, who have sponsored this special edition, in order to highlight the importance of the freedom of the press in South Sudan.

Articles in this edition include examples of attacks on the media, the phenomena of self-censorship by journalists, a report on World Press Freedom Day & the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration, as well as an interview with the Government of South Sudan’s Minister of Information. In addition, there is the first UJOSS Press Freedom Observatory (PFO) Report. The UJOSS PFO will regularly and continually record threats to press freedom and attacks on individual reporters and media outlets throughout South Sudan, and produce monthly reports on the situation.

Click here to see the People’s Voice as published.

To see all the articles in the August-September Edition click here