Getting the Balance Right: Gender Equality in Journalism

One of the greatest challenges facing journalists, both men and women, is to resist the culture of casual stereotype in our everyday work.

Fair gender portrayal is a professional and ethical aspiration, similar to respect for accuracy, fairness and honesty. It is the other side of the coin that says women need to be more present at higher levels of the news business, both at work and in the unions. In a world where hard news is still mainly reported and presented by men journalists need to stand up for gender equality. This equality is not just a women’s’ issue; everyone benefits from eliminating discrimination.

This handbook, “Getting the Right Balance”, is a timely, illustrated and easy-to-read guide and resource material for journalists. The handbook evolved primarily out of a desire to equip all journalists with more information and understanding of gender issues in their work. It is addressed to media organisations, professional associations and journalists’ unions seeking to contribute to the goal of gender equality.

Getting the Balance Right: Gender Equality in Journalism