Gender Links

Keywords: Africa Sub-Saharan, English, French, gender, media relations/advocacy, media content, training/education material, initiatives/projects, media ethics & diversity, freedom of expression & diversity, human rights, resources for media, all media format, NGOs, media

Formed in March 2001, GL began its work with a strong focus on “promoting gender equality in and through the media.” This work has two facets: research, training and advocacy for achieving greater gender sensitivity and balance within the media and in its editorial content; as well as strategic communication skills for gender activists and women in decision-making to better access and influence media content.

Over time, GL’s media focus has expanded to include work in the gender and governance field more broadly. GL’s pioneering work on developing strategic communications campaigns linked to the Sixteen Days of Activism on Gender violence has also grown to include initiatives to ensure sustained, year-long campaigns for ending gender violence.