Islamic scholars meeting urges ‘extremists’ to repent

Posted: 2 April 2010

Region: International

It is often claimed in the West that religious scholars and intellectuals among Muslim communities do not condemn terrorism, extremism and violence committed on the name of Islam.

The fact is that there have been many public statements, condemnations and religious decrees against suicide bombings and terrorism but unfortunately, the Western media often is either unaware of such efforts or choose not to cover them.

The latest example is the meeting which took place in Medina, Saudi Arabia, from 29 March – 1 April 2010, where 500 top religious scholars from Muslim countries participated in a four-day Islamic conference and condemned all acts of terrorism wherever they take place and whoever is behind them. Scholars also criticized the harm inflicted on unarmed civilians and civilian facilities under the pretext of combating terrorism.

For a full report from on the conference, by the Daily Times Pakistani newspaper click here