Day 2: Saturday 29 May


09.30 – 10.45

Welcome by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), the Council of Europe (CoE), the Centre for Independent Journalism (CJI) and the Media Diversity Institute (MDI)


Key Note Speech: Leslie Hawke, Co-founder, Asociatia Ovidiu Rom



10.45 – 11.00

‘Somebody is already doing it – The Best Practice Findings of the EU Study on Media & Diversity and its Recommendations’


Milica Pesic, Executive Director, Media Diversity Institute



11:00 – 11:30




11.30 – 13.00

Session 1: Panel Discussion

‘Broadening the Audience, Raising Income – How the Media Benefits from Covering Diversity’


Chair: Milica Pesic, Executive Director, Media Diversity Institute



Ms Sue Caro, Head of Diversity Department, BBC, UK

Mr Łukasz Lipiński, National Desk Editor, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland

Ms Claire Frachon, Editor, ‘Media and Cultural Diversity’, France

Mr Nick Carter, Society of Editors, UK



13.00 – 14.00




14.00 – 15.30

Session 2: Panel Discussion

‘Sources of Stories and Information – How Civil Society Organisations can Contribute to the Improvement of Diversity Coverage’


Chair: Ioana Avadani, Centre for Independent Journalism, Romania



Ms Antonia Meszaros, News Anchor, Hungarian Television, Hungary

Mr Nicu Dumitru, ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency, Romania

Ms Joy Francis, Director, The Creative Collective, UK

Mr Sandor Orban, Director, South East European Network for Professionalization of the Media, Hungary



15.30 – 16.00

Launch of the ‘Media for Diversity in New EU Countries’ networking and information platform


Mr Farid Littleproud, Web Editor, Media Diversity Institute



16.00 – 16.30




16.30 – 17.15

Session 3: Presentation & Discussion


“Media & Diversity – From recruitment to editorial policies; new challenges for the Media”


Reynald Blion, Media & Diversity Manager, Speak out against discrimination Campaign, Council of Europe.



17.15 – 18.00

Session 4: Presentation & Discussion


Media and Diversity


Mr Alexander Pollak, Programme Manager, Equality and Citizen’s Rights Department, EU Fundamental Rights Agency



