CDN Diversity Pledge – How is it affecting you?

Posted: June 9, 2010

Region: Worldwide

A year on since the launch of the CDN Diversity pledge, over 200 productions companies are now signed up. Next week these companies have been invited to Channel 4 for the launch of Diversity Genius, billed as an invaluable guide for Indies and broadcaster, giving practical advice on how to achieve further improvements, and help companies track their progress and enhance their business. 

As the industry discusses improvements to the CDN pledge, we want to know what impact the diversity pledge has had on you. 

Remember the pledge has been designed to improve our working life so please take 5 minutes and encourage your networks to fill out our brief questionnaire. All results are collected anonymously and treated with the strictest of confidence.

Let’s collectively assess the effectiveness of the pledge and make suggestions on what areas could be improved. 

To participate please click –