Arab West Report Provides Insight In Arab-West Relationship

arabwestreportPublished: 4  November 2011

Region: Middle East & Worldwide

Arab West Report (AWR) aims at providing objective and independent documentation, reporting, interpretation, analysis and commentary of social and religious issues concerning the Arab world and the West.

The objective of AWR is to foster greater understanding and tolerance between Arab and Western cultures.

AWR describes current sentiments, differences and common understanding between the Arab world and the West and studies the origins of misunderstandings, prejudices and tensions between different cultures.

The need for an intercultural understanding makes AWR focus on reporting and documentation of culture and beliefs, economy, social issues including human rights, and economic development in the Arab world, including those of Muslims and Eastern Christians, their attitudes towards the West and Western attitudes towards the Arab and Islamic world and disseminating that information to Western and Arab media, community leaders, academics and decision makers.

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