General Resources

gum*Check the ‘Latest Resources’ section for the latest additions to the Resources database*

The ‘General Resources’ section contains a wide range of resources from all over the world useful for all those involved in the Media and/or Diversity field, such as:

  • Journalists
  • Editors
  • Programme makers
  • Journalism and communication academics
  • Journalism and communication students
  • Civil Society Organisations
  • Governmental organisations


These resources include:

  • Manuals/Handbooks/Guidelines
  • Books/Publications
  • Reports/Studies (including media monitoring)
  • Media Relations/Advocacy resources
  • Training/Education Materials (any resources useful for training or academia)
  • Media Content (articles, TV & Radio programmes, good and bad examples of diversity coverage etc).
  • Initiatives & Projects
  • Other Web Resources


Please note: although the website’s ambitions are global and there are resources from all over the world to be found here, you’ll find at the present time that the focus is European. With time we hope to expand the content of the resources to be truly global.  Please also note that the website is new (October 2009), so while initially there may not be a huge amount of content, this will expand rapidly, so please check back regularly.