Anti Sex Trafficking Action

Keywords: Serbia, Eastern Europe, Serbian, English, gender, sexual orientation/gender identity, children & youth, initiative/projects, human rights, domestic violence, resources for media, resources for NGOs, NGOs

Over half a million of people, mainly women and children, fall victim to trafficking every year. This problem particularly hits the Balkans, owing to the militarization of the region, its geographical position and difficult economic situation. Today, Republic of Serbia is the country of destination, transit and origin of the trafficked victims.

Women’s groups in Serbia started dealing with the problem of trafficking in human beings during the 1990s. ASTRA was the first NGO to focus exclusively on trafficking as one of the gravest forms of violence against women. Our work on prevention, education and assistance to the victims of trafficking is aimed at making this problem visible in the society and at popular awareness raising, in order to ensure consideration of this problem free of prejudices, especially in relation to women – victims of trafficking, who often suffer grave mental and physical violence.