

Keywords: Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, English, Serbian, children and youth, Serbian liberal politics, Veran Matic, independent news, Serbian demonstrations, MTV free your mind award, Serbia Calling

B92 is a broadcaster with national coverage headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia. The network’s key demographic is chiefly urban and young audience. Its programs, including the news cover topics with fairly liberal political painted attitudes. Veran Matić is the CEO and one of the founders of B92.

The station was a rare outlet for independent news and information in Serbia under Slobodan Milošević, and was a force behind many demonstrations that took place in Belgrade during the turbulent 1990s. Due to this, B92 won MTV Free Your Mind award in 1998, and many other awards for journalism and fighting for human rights. B92 is the subject of the bestselling book This is Serbia Calling.