EU Award for Articles on Diversity open for submissions

The EU Journalist Award ‘Together against discrimination’ has now reached its seventh edition. The award aims to honour online or print journalists in the EU who, through their work, contribute to a better public understanding of the value and benefits of diversity and the fight against discrimination in Europe.

The winner of the European competition, plus two runners-up, will receive prizes with a value of €5,000, €3,500 and €2,500 respectively. The winners of the national competitions will receive a prize with a value of €1,000.

The EU Journalist Award is a key activity of the ‘For Diversity – Against Discrimination’ information campaign run by the European Commission.


The Media Diversity Institute is a partner to the award and is responsible for encouraging entries from the UK.

If you really want to make a difference and give your contribution to

broaden the understanding of diversity in Europe, have a look at the EU Journalist Award website:

Or write an email to Farid Littleproud for further information at:

The deadline for submission is 12:00 (midday) on 17 September 2010.