Free video training workshops in the Arab world

aramram1Deadline: 14 April 2011

Region: Arab countries

Website Aramram is looking for people from Arab countries who want to learn how to produce short videos to attend a free workshop. The workshop will be held in April 2011 in Amman, Jordan, for journalists, professionals and NGOs or public campaign workers. There are eight spots available.

Participants will learn how to produce videos and integrate them into different kinds of media.

Aramram is an independent Arabic web television broadcasting online from Jordan’s capital. Launched in 2008 by a group of Jordanian entrepreneurs with initial help from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX, the site is a platform for stories and entertainment clips.

The limited liability company “offers an alternative view of current events” webmaster Rabah Hams told IJNet, that is open to anyone with ideas, either producing features based on reader suggestions or providing technical support to people with ideas. The core team is made up of six people with a host of contributors, mostly individuals they have trained.

The workshop is free of charge and travel and hotel expenses will be covered as well.

Click here for more information, email:

Courtesy of International Journalists’ Network