‘Gender, Conflict and the Media in Cyprus’ Project

Keywords: Cyprus, media relations, campaign, initiative, discrimination, gender, conflict, violence, media campaign, project, handbook

The ‘Gender, Conflict and the Media in Cyprus’ project aimed at exploring how the Cypriot media report on issues of gender and how these relate to ethnic and other types of violence and conflict. Essential research took place looking at how the media in Cyprus reports on gender and what the implications are for the ethnic and social issues in both Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. Findings were then presented and discussed in a seminar with the participation of 20 media owners and editors. Two training workshops were organised for female journalists from both the Turkish and Greek communities to raise awareness amongst the participants on gender issues, the lack of gender sensitivity in the media in Cyprus and how this hinders women’s participation in national debates. The project culminated in the publication of “The Gender and Media Handbook: Promoting Equality, Diversity and Empowerment”.

Click here for an information sheet on the initiative.