Media Stories Inspired by the Conference

Latvian Newspaper Article

Ilze Vainovska, a participant at the conference, wrote an article as a result, which was published in Latvian newspaper ‘Kursas Laiks’. It describes her short trip to Bucharest and Romania, the people she met while at the conference and in the streets, and discusses diversity in Europe and Romania. This article was submitted to the EU Anti-discrimination Journalist Award 2010.  Click here for a PDF of the Article

Estonian Newspaper Article

Jevgenia Garanza wrote an article as a result of attending the conference, which was published in Estonian newspaper ‘DZD’. In summary, it describes her impressions about developments in Romania, its capital and its economy and about the situation of the Roma people in Romania. It was published both in the newspaper and online version of DZD. Click here to see the article

Lithuanian Article

Justinas Suliokas, a participant at the conference wrote an article as a result, which was published on Lithuanian News Portal ‘’. It is a story about refugees living in Lithuania, informed by the conference in Bucharest. Click here to see the article