Morocco-Europe Cultural Exchange Programme for Young People

Deadline: 4 January, 2010

Country: Morocco

The 4th of January is the last available day to sign up for the Xchange 2010 which will take place in Morocco, in March 2010. Global Xchange works with teams of up to 18 young people (aged 18-25), with equal numbers coming from the UK and from other countries. The teams are formed to reflect diversity in terms of geography, ethnicity, ability, education and gender. Together, in cross-cultural counterpart pairs, they live with host families and work in host communities, for up to three months in the UK and three months in Morocco. This programme is a partnership between Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and the British Council.

Interested applicants must have the following:

–  a positive and realistic commitment to the programme

·  a genuine commitment to learning

·  ability to solve problems

·  flexibility and adaptability

·  self confidence

·  sensitivity to the needs of others

To apply, download the application from the following link and return it by hand to:

The British Council,

36, rue de Tanger, Rabat

Attention: Adnane Addioui, Society Projects Manager


or by to email to