National Association of Multicultural Media Executives

Keywords: North America, USA, English,  ethnicity/ race/ national identity, media content, initiative/ projects, training/education material, media ethics & diversity, employment, huma rights, social diversity models, resources for trainers, resources for media, resources for NGOs, media, governmental

NAMME was formed in 1990 by Carl E. Morris and Albert E. Fitzpatrick. They realized that while some persons of color were climbing corporate ladders, few were part of the executive ranks. NAMME’s first meeting was attended by just over 20 people and Morris, the former executive director of the National Association of Black Journalists, became NAMME’s first executive director while Fitzpatrick, an assistant vice president for Knight Ridder, became its first president.

Today, NAMME is the only organization of managers and executives of color working in both news and business operations, across all media-related fields, uniting diverse leaders across departments and across cultures.