Since its outbreak in Europe in February 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on societies. Vulnerable groups have been impacted disproportionately: even in countries with well-developed responses, the outbreak and its repercussions imperil the basic well-being of social groups whose livelihoods are already precarious, while the uneven distribution of suffering threatens to aggravate inequality and division. COVINFORM analysed COVID-19 responses on the levels of government, public health, community, and information and communications. 

  • Policy recommendations for inclusive and effective pandemic management such as recommendations for better risk communications with vulnerable groups (migrants, marginalised communities, members of low socio-economic communities);
  • Research and analysis on governmental and health service responses to the pandemic in 15 chosen countries;
  • Cloud-based interactive Dashboard containing Knowledge repository and Map with economic, health, socio-demographic and environmental indicators to understand their contributions to public health crisis;  
  • MDI interviewed members of diverse religious communities based in England talking about their unique perspectives on information dissemination during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the video, the interviewees share their insights on how information was transmitted and communicated within their community groups. They also discuss the challenges they faced such as lack of transparency, misinformation, and the need for adapting information to specific communities and their unique issues. Video can be seen here –
  • The podcast ‘Beyond Numbers: COVID-19 Pandemic & Society’ was produced during this project. Listen and subscribe to the podcast by following this link.
  • Click on this link below for more research outputs

The COVINFORM project brought together 16 partners from 11 countries who have integrated their expertise in a variety of disciplines as part of the project’s multi-disciplinary approach. The consortium consisted of:

Partners: Media Diversity Institute (MDI UK) partnered with SYNYO GmbH | SYNYO (Austria), Magen David Adom In IsraeL | MDA (Israel), Samur Proteccion Civil | SAMUR (Spain), Univerista Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore | UCSC (Italy), Sinus Markt- Und Sozialforschung GMBH | SINUS (Germany), Trilateral Research LTD | TRI (UK), Kentro Meleton Asfaleias – Center For Security Studies – Centre D’etudes De Securite | KEMEA (Greece), Factor Social Consultoria Em Psicossociologia E Ambiente LDA | FS (Portugal), Austrian Red Cross | AUTRC (Austria), Societatea Națională De Cruce Roșie Din România – Romanian Red Cross | SNCRR (Romania), University Of Antwerp | UANTWERPEN (Belgium), Sapienza University Of Rome | SAPIENZA (Italy), Rey Juan Carlos University | URJC (Spain), Swansea University | SU (UK), Gotenborg University | UGOT (Sweden)

Timeframe: 11/2020 to 10/2023
Region/Country: European Union

Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research & innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101016247.

Website: For more information on the project visit its website: