Manual for reporters covering HIV/AIDS online

hivijnetPublished: 2 February 2011

Region: Africa, Caribbean & rest of the world

Reporters who cover HIV/AIDS issues can utilize an online resource

The training manual published by Inter Press Service is made of up of three parts and designed to be used as part of a week-long training session on gender and HIV. It argues the importance of gender training for the media, as research shows that news is told largely through the eyes, voices and perspectives of men.

The manual also discusses the role of the media in addressing gender stereotypes, providing a gender analysis framework. It covers gender and HIV/AIDS, discussing vulnerability, stigma and discrimination of both men and women. The final section addresses practical reporting issues, such as key term definitions and correct terminology.

This guide was put together in consultation with several health specialists and media consultants and tested by correspondents in Africa and in the Caribbean.

Click here for more information and to access the pdf.

Courtesy of International Journalists’ Network