
Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.

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Video Series: 100 Questions About Islam

Video Series: 100 Questions About Islam

Published: 19 August 2011 Region: Worldwide   UN Alliance of Civilizations, British Council and top US universities release timely video …

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Aidan White joins MDI

Aidan White joins MDI

Published: 18 August 2011 “I’m delighted to be joining the team at MDI. These are committed activists and specialists who understand well the role …

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Stop the gender war on women and promote their rights instead

Stop the gender war on women and promote their rights instead

By Ating Benson Okello for (MAGWI, Eastern Equatoria State) – Gender-based violence and discrimination, widely considered human rights violations, …

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Nutty Professors and Remembering Enoch Powell

Nutty Professors and Remembering Enoch Powell

Aiden White for the Media Diversity Institute Perhaps the most unhelpful contribution to understanding the riots in Britain came last …

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Media Relations Workshop for NGOs from EU States

Media Relations Workshop for NGOs from EU States

Event date: 27 & 28 October 2011 Location: London The Media Diversity Institute is seeking applications for a media relations …

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July Edition of the People’s Voice

July Edition of the People’s Voice

This issue of The People’s Voice brings you fresh feature stories that capture the mood of the newly independent Republic …

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Corruption: will we learn from the mistakes of our fellow Africans?

Corruption: will we learn from the mistakes of our fellow Africans?

(Author Anonymized) South Sudanese citizens are saying silent prayers that corruption, Africa’s biggest development problem, does not swallow their country. A series of interviews conducted by the People’s Voice in Western Equatoria State revealed that the majority of South Sudanese...

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Government plans to make South Sudan a major bread basket

Government plans to make South Sudan a major bread basket

By Paul Jimbo The government of South Sudan plans to prioritize food production in order to ensure the new nation …

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Women & children caught in tribal crossfire

Women & children caught in tribal crossfire

by John Actually Despite the much hyped tribal peace talks in Jonglei state, deadly tribal conflicts continue to claim a …

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Voices from the Villages

Voices from the Villages

By Alfred Taban Barely one month after the birth of the new nation of South Sudan, The People’s Voice travelled …

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