
Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.

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A Wedding and a New ‘We’

A Wedding and a New ‘We’

A few weeks ago, on 17 March, the third British-German Islam conference took place in London. The conference was entitled …

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UJOSS Secretary General, Michael Koma, comments on the People’s Voic...

UJOSS Secretary General, Michael Koma, comments on the People’s Voic...

The Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) was founded by a group of twenty South Sudanese Journalists in 2004 …

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UJOSS Secretary General comments on project

UJOSS Secretary General comments on project

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Government on the spot as street children cry out for help

Government on the spot as street children cry out for help

By Agele Benson Day of the street child? The 12th April 2011 was the international day of the street child but, in much of South Sudan, soon to be the world’s newest state, it has passed without notice or official...

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Children continue dying due to lack of medical facilities in Yei

Children continue dying due to lack of medical facilities in Yei

By Poverty Alfred Taban Alarmed by the high infant mortality rate, women in Yei River County are calling on the …

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Villagers want government to deal firmly with LRA

Villagers want government to deal firmly with LRA

By Phillip Mbugo William “Why should the international community and our government continue promising us that they will flush the …

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The Power of the Woman: A tale of one tough Sudanese woman chief

The Power of the Woman: A tale of one tough Sudanese woman chief

By Francis Lokole It is 6.30 am and all is quiet in Torit County of Eastern Equatorial State, Southern Sudan. …

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No respite for farmers as more cattle die in Lakes state

No respite for farmers as more cattle die in Lakes state

By Abraham Machuor Lum Kuok Malek Kuok stared at his empty corral and shook his head in disgust. Two months …

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Tears as Government bulldozers flatten houses

Tears as Government bulldozers flatten houses

By Yuggu Charles Rabuk Chaplan stood bewildered and confused as bulldozers mowed down a building that has been his home …

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April Edition of the People’s Voice

April Edition of the People’s Voice

The April edition of the People’s Voice includes stories on: the plight of street children; high infant mortality rates due …

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