
Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.

To pitch a story to MDI, please read our editorial guidelines here.

South Sudan People’s Voice

South Sudan People’s Voice

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Reporting Diversity training in Madrid

Reporting Diversity training in Madrid

EUFRA’s & MDI’s two 2-day workshops in Madrid, Spain on 24-25 & 26-27 February 2011

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Another perspective

Another perspective

A granny’s view on the new State of South Sudan “We have known nothing but injustice since we were born”

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The Title1

The Title1

MDI’s Inclusive Journalism Training Course in Juba Moroccan media decision makers visit the BBC Inclusive Media for Inclusive Societies Opening …

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Charity Status

Charity Status

MDI is registered as a charity in the UK Charity Name: Media Diversity Registered No. 1110263

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Migrants & Journalists Team Up in Greece

Migrants & Journalists Team Up in Greece

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Reporting Ethnicity & Religion Study

Reporting Ethnicity & Religion Study

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Tobacco Girls’ article wins award

Tobacco Girls’ article wins award

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