
Our stories examine the ways that race, religion, class, dis/ability, age, gender and sexual identity issues intersect with major topics in the media, and aim to bring new perspectives to light.

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POPOLARE NETWORK Keywords: Western Europe, Italy, Italian, radio, press freedom, immigrants, asylum seekers’ rights, homosexuals’ rights Popolare Network is a network …

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RADIO POPOLARE Keywords: International, Italian, homosexuals’ rights, minorities’ rights, freedom of information, independent information, migrants’ rights Radio Popolare was born in …

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YEFF! – Young European Film Forum for Cultural Diversity

YEFF! – Young European Film Forum for Cultural Diversity Keywords: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, cultural diversity, media literacy, children and youth, film YEFF! Is a network of partners …

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‘Inclusive Media for Inclusive Societies’ conference report 2009

‘Inclusive Media for Inclusive Societies’ conference report 2009

Date: July 2009 Country: Morocco This booklet is a record of the speeches and debates from the ‘Inclusive Media for …

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