The new online program ‘Voices of Our Future’ invites grassroots women leaders

Deadline: September 14, 2010

Region: Worldwide

World Pulse, a media enterprise covering global issues through the eyes of women, is offering an online program called “Voices of Our Future” for emerging grassroots women leaders around the world. The program teaches women to be able to speak for themselves to the world; face barriers and challenges to achieving their dreams; and raise awareness about issues they face.

Any woman who demonstrates the following can apply:

  • Completion of all assignments
  • Expression of a positive vision for the future and solutions-oriented writing
  • Commitment to promote global issues through the eyes of women
  • Communication of personal experience as an underrepresented voice in your community, nation or world; living in a developing country or conflict zone; or facing discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race or social class
  • Demonstration of leadership on a personal, community, national or global level


World Pulse lays great emphasis on applicants from regions where women’s voices are least heard. Applicants make the first step in the application process by joining the Voices of Our Future group.

For more information about the program, follow this link:

‘Courtesy of the International Journalist Network’