

Ethics Teaching Tools: Resolving Ethical Conflicts in Wartime by the S...

Ethics Teaching Tools: Resolving Ethical Conflicts in Wartime by the S...

Keywords: International, English, Peace Journalism, ethics, war, ethnicity, IDPs, all media formats, resources for media, resources for trainers List of …

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Social Uses of Commercial Soap Operas; Miguel Sabido

Social Uses of Commercial Soap Operas; Miguel Sabido

Keywords: International, English, South America, diversity in general, entertainment education, education, methodology, article, interview, media literacy, community/minority media, resource for …

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Guidelines for countering racial, ethnic and religious profiling

Guidelines for countering racial, ethnic and religious profiling

Keywords: International, English, guide, ethics, media, religion, race & ethnicity. Guidelines for countering racial, ethnic and religious profiling in coverage …

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Reporting Diversity Guide – Elderly People and Pensioners

Reporting Diversity Guide – Elderly People and Pensioners

Keywords: International, English, manual, guide, age, good practice. The Media Diversity Institute’s “Reporting Diversity Guide” is a comprehensive manual for …

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New Balkans media network for minority rights and interethnic toleranc...

New Balkans media network for minority rights and interethnic toleranc...

Keywords: South East Europe, English, good practise, race & ethnicity, human rights. Three media organizations from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia …

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Monitoring report on coverage of Arafat’s death in the Israeli m...

Monitoring report on coverage of Arafat’s death in the Israeli m...

Keywords: Middle East, English, conflict, good practise, report, study. A media monitoring report that examines coverage of Arafat’s illness and …

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Joint Armenian-Azerbaijani study of the effectiveness of media coverag...

Joint Armenian-Azerbaijani study of the effectiveness of media coverag...

Keywords: Caucuses, English, conflict, media, study, report. An examination of the views of Armenians and Azerbaijanis towards each other and …

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Addressing the needs of Muslim Communities

Addressing the needs of Muslim Communities

Keywords: All Europe, English, French, German, discrimination, reports, case study, Islam, social diversity models, minorities, resource for trainers and NGOs, …

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Praise of Cosmopolitanism / Eloge du cosmopolitisme (only in French)

Praise of Cosmopolitanism / Eloge du cosmopolitisme (only in French)

Keywords: International, French, Wester Europe, Egypt, Middle East, article, ethnicity, national identity, race, migrants, opinion, diversity, history, education, social diversity …

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Adventures in Television – The Youth Media Literacy Adventure

Adventures in Television – The Youth Media Literacy Adventure

Keywords: International, English, education, media education, children & youth, media literacy. ‘Adventures in Television’ is a complete how-to-kit, from the …

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A world of diversity, also in the media? / Een wereld van diversiteit,...

A world of diversity, also in the media? / Een wereld van diversiteit,...

Keywords: All regions, Dutch, media ethics & diversity, article, resources for media, print [DU] De wereld verandert, daarom veranderen onze …

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Albert Bandura – Education Entertainment

Albert Bandura – Education Entertainment

Keywords: International, English, article, ethics, entertainment education, report, methodology, guide, education, AIDS & Health, media literacy, media ethics & diversity, …

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